Golden Circle & Northern Lights Excursion (not)
Dec 10: Sunrise 11:07a - Sunset 3:33p Today we have the Golden Circle & Northern Lights Excursion planned. After our breakfast we left on the bus. The drive took about an hour to get to our first stop. Part of the time Gunnur passed out some Yule Lad cards and explained some of the [creepy] information about them and their family. Seems there is much folklore about things such as: Hidden people, elves, fairies, ghosts, trolls, and other things I can't recall at the moment. Maybe this is a result of the long dark winters? Who can guess about other cultures? There is even a peeping Tom... kinda distasteful IMHO. Of course the sun slowly came up as we drove and we passed a lot of snow and ice, though there really isn't much in Reykjavik. It did snow last night. But today we will see some m agnificent natural wonders. Our first stop was Thingvellir National Park to see the Althing, an open-air governmental assembly that was established in 930 and continued ...