The Blue Lagoon
Dec 12: Sunrise 11:11a - Sunset 3:31p We got to sleep in today, if that was possible. Seems I am waking up about 3a after going to bed at midnight or so. This is very strange... But off we go at 12:15p for our approximate hour drive to the The Blue Lagoon ! This is the first day I could even attempt to take a photo from the bus window, it is both clean and light outside! View from our Hotel Window Random view from bus The Blue Lagoon is a famed geothermal spa known for its restorative properties and ethereal water. Some people have a layover at the airport, come to the lagoon, then back to the airport to continue their flights. The lagoon itself is not deep, 3-5 feet, and it is totally man made. The water is a milky aqua color. You walk a path to the Blue Lagoon that is supposed to represent the two tectonic plates that are in this area. This is where the Eurasian and North American tectonic plates are...