The Blue Lagoon

Dec 12: Sunrise 11:11a - Sunset 3:31p

We got to sleep in today, if that was possible. Seems I am waking up about 3a after going to bed at midnight or so. This is very strange... But off we go at 12:15p for our approximate hour drive to the The Blue Lagoon! This is the first day I could even attempt to take a photo from the bus window, it is both clean and light outside! 

View from our Hotel Window
 Random view from bus

The Blue Lagoon is a famed geothermal spa known for its restorative properties and ethereal water. Some people have a layover at the airport, come to the lagoon, then back to the airport to continue their flights. The lagoon itself is not deep, 3-5 feet, and it is totally man made. The water is a milky aqua color. You walk a path to the Blue Lagoon that is supposed to represent the two tectonic plates that are in this area. This is where the Eurasian and North American tectonic plates are continuously drifting apart, having created huge rifts as a result of the tension that builds up as the plates diverge. Part of the water here is thermal and part comes directly from the sea. We had the Comfort Package as part of our tour. We got a towel, one drink, a silica mask, and of course use of the shower facilities. It is strictly run and there is a process for getting into the lagoon itself. First you have a brief orientation. Then you receive an electronic bracelet that is like your "credit card" while you are there. It also locks and unlocks your locker when you hold it against a certain spot. It signifies what package you have and keeps track if you do anything extra such as different masks or more beverages. They serve multiple choices of beer, wine, smoothies, soft drinks, etc. at the bar IN the lagoon. No food is served there but there is a cafe inside if you choose to buy something. Before you get in, you must shower then put on your suit (that was a challenge to pull on a bathing suit when you are wet). There was (of course) a line for the women and this is monitored by some pretty strict women so they are certain you are clean before entering the lagoon! You are to apply conditioner liberally to your hair and then head out to the lagoon. There are two entrances, one inside that is not as impressive then the other is outside. You brave the cold, of course you are still somewhat wet from the showers and walk in the easy slope and then finally you are in the lagoon. Here was where I wished I had borrowed Steven's GoPro. However, a nice young couple from Las Vegas took our photo and promised to email it to us. I hope they do! It was very smart that others had waterproof sleeves to put their cell phone in and they were able to take photos and videos, etc. I sure dropped the ball on that! 

Almost half our group is leaving in the morning and the rest of us are taking the Extension offered. It seems like we are just getting to know some of the others but I guess that is how shorter trips are. I know in the past we have made lasting friendships on longer tours. Anyway, we celebrated our trip with an amazing 3 course dinner at Reykjavik Kitchen Restaurant. This was my favorite meal so far. Yes, the Christmas buffet was great and impressive but this food tonight was carefully prepared and elegantly served. All three courses were outstanding!

After our delicious meal we headed out in search of the Northern Lights. I wold LOVE to report we caught a glimpse but this was not to be. We drove about one hour out of the town and found a dark and remote place that was supposed to be good. Both our guide and driver have apps that tell you where the best chances are to see them but it was just not meant to be. John slept on the bus most of the way and I dosed off myself on the way back. Tomorrow we head west on the extension portion of our trip. 


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