Reykjavik to Borgarnes Extension

Dec 13, Day 6

We switched up days a bit, today's activities were supposed to be tomorrow but no problem. On our way to Reykjavik, stop in the town of Borgarnes to visit an Icelandic settlement exhibition and learn more about Viking history. The first portion of the Settlement Center was quite interesting, the second was a saga of Egils, which was less interesting because it was just folklore and myths, not really factual information. 

 Cute booties but they cost US$85.

Then we waited an hour to have what we were told was going to be a wonderful Christmas buffet in their stunning restaurant. It was nice enough but far from stunning. The food was mediocre at best. One reason the food is less enjoyable is the salt content is sky high. You can't eat much of something because the salt is over powering. I have eaten a lot of apples here!!! Simple and no salt added!!! The staff is beyond delightful and ready to meet your every need. The Christmas bread was delightful (fried bread) and the reindeer appetizers with berry sauce were my next favorite. The mushroom soup was good but so salty. 

This was our stop at Deildartunguhver we didn't see a spa or anything, just the steam and lots of it. This is Europe’s most powerful hot springs. Gunner tries to cheer us up with alcohol, she just told us our adventures tomorrow in the ice caves and truck drive on the glacier are canceled due to weather. Soooo disappoininting...

This friendly guy joined us at the hot springs. He even rolled over on his back to have his tummy rubbed!

We fell into bed when arriving at Husafell Hotel, the photo below was taken the next day after the sun came up. It was a lovely hotel and we wish we could stay there an extra night!


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