
Showing posts from December 11, 2018

Southern Coast & Northern Lights Cruise

Dec 11:  Sunrise 11:09a - Sunset 3:32p Today we head to the South Coast for our day tour. It was supposed to be windier than yesterday so we readjusted clothing in hopes that we will be more efficient in the walking portions of the tour. So off ON TIME for our  excursion to the South Coast, a lowland region of lush farmland, striking waterfalls, beaches, glaciers, and picturesque villages.  Our guide did point out the  Eyjafjallajökull volcano but I am not sure I really saw it. Tons of mountains and they all look so much alike! I did get a glimpse of the Sólheimajökull glacier when the clouds broke. Both of these sites were from the bus.  Our first stop was the Lava Center . This was not a scheduled stop but this was exchanged for our visit to an outdoor museum. The weather is such that we could not really enjoy an outdoor museum right now. This stop was interesting and showed the many eruptions and geological activity in the area. Much of it was interactive, which made it i