Travel Day-Depart Reykjavik
Dec 15: Sunrise 11:16a. Since it was another night with very little sleep, I worked on my blog for awhile and read from 1-4am. Then tried to sleep. I think I slept from 7-8a when John got up to let me know what time it was. He went to breakfast but I just can't face that same buffet again. It was nice enough but most food here in Iceland at buffets is not really HOT or COLD... Plus, I think I have my salt intake at maximum! I will opt for a cheeseburger for lunch after we check out at noon. Our shuttle pickup was between 1-1:30pand on time. Shuttle: Reykjavik Excursions ticket purchased. Transfer to the airport for our flight home. KEF 5:05p, Arrive SEA 5:00p, Depart SEA 7:30p Arrive FAT 9:41p Notes: Lots of driving, things are farther apart than I thought. Glad we brought the poncho, though by chance we didn't need it. Don't bother with an umbrella, the winds make that a joke. Ski pants were overkill for me, too ho...