
Showing posts from December, 2018

Travel Day-Depart Reykjavik

Dec 15: Sunrise 11:16a.  Since it was another night with very little sleep, I worked on my blog for awhile and read from 1-4am. Then tried to sleep. I think I slept from 7-8a when John got up to let me know what time it was. He went to breakfast but I just can't face that same buffet again. It was nice enough but most food here in Iceland at buffets is not really HOT or COLD... Plus, I think I have my salt intake at maximum! I will opt for a cheeseburger for lunch after we check out at noon.  Our shuttle pickup was between 1-1:30pand on time.  Shuttle: Reykjavik Excursions ticket purchased. Transfer to the airport for our flight home. KEF 5:05p, Arrive SEA 5:00p, Depart SEA 7:30p  Arrive  FAT 9:41p Notes:  Lots of driving, things are farther apart than I thought.  Glad we brought the poncho, though by chance we didn't need it.  Don't bother with an umbrella, the winds make that a joke. Ski pants were overkill for me, too hot. John liked his.  Two la

Extension-Back to Reykjavik

Dec 14:  Sunrise 11:14a - Sunset 3:29p West Iceland & Langjökull Glacier was the plan but due to weather the ice caves and the special ice truck drive on the  Langjökull Glacier was canceled. We are beyond disappointed. That was the main reason we decided to do the extension. However, they have put in place replacements for our enjoyment. 1) Lava Cave, 2) complementary Lunch, 3) museum visit back to Perlan with farewell drink. They cannot control the weather for sure, but it is very disappointing.  I realized what this is, so I wanted to add it. I "assumed" this was olive oil when I saw it with other condiment-type things at buffets. I even poured a bit on some fresh veggies one day and thought it wasn't very good olive oil! Well, surprise to me, this is Cod Liver Oil!!! It certainly doesn't taste that bad considering what it is. One typically drinks a shot glass of this followed by juice or something else. Gunnur was shocked I didn't think it was aw

Reykjavik to Borgarnes Extension

Dec 13, Day 6 We switched up days a bit, today's activities were supposed to be tomorrow but no problem. On our way to Reykjavik, stop in the town of Borgarnes to visit an Icelandic settlement exhibition and learn more about Viking history. The first portion of the Settlement Center was quite interesting, the second was a saga of Egils, which was less interesting because it was just folklore and myths, not really factual information.    Cute booties but they cost US$85. Then we waited an hour to have what we were told was going to be a wonderful Christmas buffet in their stunning restaurant. It was nice enough but far from stunning. The food was mediocre at best. One reason the food is less enjoyable is the salt content is sky high. You can't eat much of something because the salt is over powering. I have eaten a lot of apples here!!! Simple and no salt added!!! The staff is beyond delightful and ready to meet your every need. The Christmas bread was delightfu

The Blue Lagoon

Dec 12:  Sunrise 11:11a - Sunset 3:31p We got to sleep in today, if that was possible. Seems I am waking up about 3a after going to bed at midnight or so. This is very strange... But off we go at 12:15p for our approximate hour drive to the  The Blue Lagoon ! This is the first day I could even attempt to take a photo from the bus window, it is both clean and light outside!  View from our Hotel Window  Random view from bus The Blue Lagoon is a  famed geothermal spa known for its restorative properties and ethereal water. Some people have a layover at the airport, come to the lagoon, then back to the airport to continue their flights. The lagoon itself is not deep, 3-5 feet, and it is totally man made. The water is a milky aqua color.  You walk a path to the Blue Lagoon that is supposed to represent the two tectonic plates that are in this area.  This is where the  Eurasian  and  North American  tectonic plates are continuously drifting apart, having created huge rift

Southern Coast & Northern Lights Cruise

Dec 11:  Sunrise 11:09a - Sunset 3:32p Today we head to the South Coast for our day tour. It was supposed to be windier than yesterday so we readjusted clothing in hopes that we will be more efficient in the walking portions of the tour. So off ON TIME for our  excursion to the South Coast, a lowland region of lush farmland, striking waterfalls, beaches, glaciers, and picturesque villages.  Our guide did point out the  Eyjafjallajökull volcano but I am not sure I really saw it. Tons of mountains and they all look so much alike! I did get a glimpse of the Sólheimajökull glacier when the clouds broke. Both of these sites were from the bus.  Our first stop was the Lava Center . This was not a scheduled stop but this was exchanged for our visit to an outdoor museum. The weather is such that we could not really enjoy an outdoor museum right now. This stop was interesting and showed the many eruptions and geological activity in the area. Much of it was interactive, which made it i